21 September, 2005


So, I was checking out the company that sells Pure Boss' CDs online, and I found another band using that company...and the band was called The Switch. Sounded pretty cool. They're having a concert on Oct. 1st at Rex Theater, and I'm kinda interested in going, except for the $10 price tag. Definitely a band to follow...perhaps purchase some music? I dunno.

I have this weird feeling that I can't explain...like I'm hanging on the edge of something big about to happen, but I don't know exactly what it is. Life sure is interesting...sometimes I can hardly wait to see what's around the corner, and I wish I could skip stuff right now. And I know that'd be "ditching" God's will and I'd miss out on some cool stuff. Like the Switchfoot concert this October. Oh...well, as the shirt says so biblically, Life is Good.


Anonymous said...

You liked "The Switch"?? Hmm . . they struck me as faceless uninventive (pop) punk with indie vocals (and a poor recording job, I might add). Their band info also seemed extremely impressed with themselves. Ah well. Perhaps it's just that they're more successful than Pure Boss :-P

Sour Grapes . . . .

Anonymous said...

this is really interesting.
I will be popping around to see what unfolds in your life in the next year.

Whatever it is, "the future's good, the future's bright, so darling laugh at the future today and tonight."

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

I love the quote, Piano-Hugger!

Mr. B, I think it's perhaps because I've only come to understand and appreciate music like yours and other modern types of music that I really can't distinguish between "good" bands (original thought) and "bad" bands (recycled ideas).

Who knows? Perhaps I'll (GASP!) come to appreciate country music more. I doubt it, though. Bluegrass is still waaaaay better than pop country.

Anonymous said...

Mr. B, I think it's perhaps because I've only come to understand and appreciate music like yours and other modern types of music that I really can't distinguish between "good" bands (original thought) and "bad" bands (recycled ideas).

?? Are you saying Mr. B says some music is better than others ??

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Yes, I do think that our friend Mr. B (sounds like a pirate name) has standards in music. However, I do not think that I implied that he "said" that some music is better than others. Simply that he has standards, which I have yet to fully establish.

Perhaps, though, our standards are...*gasp!*...different?? I might value classical music and baroquian forms more than he does, but he might value punk rock (duh) and drum beat patterns more than I do. And thou, O Piano Hugger (or Scientist of Slick, whichever you prefer), may have totally other preferences.

Or you could know more about Mr. B than I do. Which is highly likely.