16 December, 2009

I'm So Excited!

EEEK! How will I be able to wait until 2011 for THIS? *sighs of rapture*


Author at 661 said...

All I know of the artist is your liking of him... sometime we'll have to chat about it :)

But I did want to tell you - He is listed as a speaker at the Jubilee Conference here in Pittsburgh in February. And a quick glance at the registration page reveals that you can pay to attend individual seminars if you don't necessarily want to go to the entire conference.

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Really?! Are you going to this conference, too? The two of you may be enough for me to consider attending ;-)

samurai said...

Just in case i forget to stop by later...

Merry Christmas! May God fill you with a fresh out pouring and palpable sense of His presence in your life as we celebrate the birth of Christ.
