28 May, 2007

Monday PM

John Piper (I apologize for these notes. They're despicable. I can't remember the sermon at all, so apparently I was barely awake.)

Discerning what pleases God most--Himself!

  1. Who is the most God-centered being in the universe?
  2. Who is uppermost in God's affections?
  3. (umm...missed this one...)
  4. What is God's chief jealousy?
  5. What is the chief end of God?
  6. Do I feel most loved by God because he makes much of me or because he frees me to glorify him?
  7. Am I God-centered because he is extremely valuable or because I am extremely valuable to him?
Ephesians 1:5-6

  1. Predestination
  2. Creation
    1. Colossians 1:16
    2. I am a telescope to show who God is
  3. Incarnation
    1. Hebrews 15:8-9 (this verse apparently doesn't exist. I need to listen to the sermon again...)
    2. Romans 15:9
  4. Propitiation
    1. Romans 3:25-26
    2. Romans 3:23
    3. God can't pass over my sin (trampling his glory)--that's unrighteous. He needs vindication-by my life in hell-BUT Jesus took my place
  5. Sanctification
    1. Philippians 1:9-11
  6. Consummation
    1. II Thessalonians 1:9
    2. Why is God coming?
      1. To be glorified and magnifie
    3. Love labor, plans, and suffers to share eternity with unbelievers
    4. Divine love is selfish and demanding! If God were not honest about how glorious he was, he would be hateful. Deceitfulness is not a part of God's character
    5. We are supposed to be God-centered--how foolish if God were not also God-centered!

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