19 March, 2006

Yet another missed church meeting...

But my cousin taught me something interesting about my brain. Can you draw clockwise circles in the air with your right foot, and draw a 6 in the air with your right hand? I couldn't either. But I could on my left side. Strange.


Clear Ambassador said...

Huh? Unless you're talking about something else, I had difficulty doing neither, even at the same time. I guess I'm either missing something really obvious, or I'm a freaking GENIUS! My money's definitely on the genius... :-D

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

Your foot's going clockwise, and your hand is going counterclockwise. I'll demonstrate next time I see you...

Did you get my mom's invitation to dinner this week?

Clear Ambassador said...

HAH! You didn't demonstrate it, and I saw you tonight! *tsk tsk*

I can still do it easily, clockwise and counterclockwise simultaneously. Mebbe it's 'cause I'm a drummer and my appendages are used to working discontinuously.

Laedelas Greenleaf said...

sorRY!!! I was tired myself tonight!

You're polyrhythmic AND polycentric! Cool. My West African Dance class has had a hard time doing stuff like that :-P

Laedelas Greenleaf said...
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